Is Patty Mayo a real Sheriff?

by | Apr 29, 2023 | Patty Mayo | 30 comments

A recent article published on Byliner asks the question, Who Is Patty Mayo and Is He A Real Bounty Hunter?

Part of the article states that, “Patty Mayo is an American model, entrepreneur, and social media personality best known for his bounty-hunting videos” and also that “Patty Mayo is not a real bounty hunter.” As noted in last month’s update, We don’t really care what Patty Mayo was doing before he came to Dutch Berry, only that we are thankful that he is here now.

I Love Mayo Hoodie

The part of the article that really angered me was where they say this, “Patty Mayo is not a real cop. Given his cozy relationship with the members of the police force in his country, one might be forgiven for thinking that the Boston-born influencer was a real cop. His videos even portray him and some of his crew as deputies of a sheriff’s office known as DBSO, but the truth remains that the DBSO does not legally exist.”

Clearly, the author has never been to Dutch Berry!

Apart from all the necessary infrastructure, we even have the Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker. Not to mention our own Tourist Center or Dutch Berry Community Church (clearly they’ve never even hear of Pastor Dave’s incredible preaching!). We even have our own Chamber of Commerce where you can look up ALL the Businesses in Dutch Berry, including the new Dutch Berry Gift Shop online souvenir store.

We even have our own Dutch Berry Sheriff’s Office coffee mugs!

Dutch Berry Sheriff Mug

At this point, it shouldn’t really matter what Patty Mayo’s history with other counties is, only that he has now been deputized here in Dutch Berry.

The question is actually kind of stupid too; I don’t think a lot of people realize this but a blog like Byliner should know this: The deputies that you see out in public arresting people are not “the Sheriff.”

A sheriff is an elected law enforcement officer who will serve a term of service. Here in Dutch Berry we hold an election every year. And, if our residents like the current Sheriff, they just re-elect the same person again and again until they change their minds or if the Sheriff steps down.

But we had this De’Longhi All-in-One Combination Coffee Maker & Espresso Machine donated to us during Thanksgiving so who would ever want to leave?!

A Deputy doesn’t have the leadership and management responsibilities of a Sheriff. Deputies do more of the hands-on work in the community. Again, here in Dutch Berry, since crime is so low (except over at the park!), the Sheriff does most of the work himself.

But with the recent crime wave in the park, our office was authorized by a vote to deputize additional officers to help whenever such help is needed. So Patty Mayo and his team came to Dutch Berry and are contracted by our office as Deputies for this specific task.

Another thing that is interesting about all those other articles out there is that they never really mention the work that Patty Mayo does in Dutch Berry but allow him full autonomy with the narrative through his videos on the YouTube channel.

The end of the article states that “Patty Mayo currently resides in Southern California.” We beg to differ. Patty Mayo has been staying in Dutch Berry since the beginning of the year.



  2. Heck yea I’m so glad to hear that cuz I really enjoy watching all his videos very very entertaining and keeps you wanting to watch more . And when I heard it was all fake I was bummed out about it so good I’m able to get back in to the real excitement of watching them

    • Why isn’t Kobus doing more actual work? How old is he? I know Trevor’s dog is Checq, what is the heritage of Kobus? How did her get his name?

      • Why is it that the Sheriff name is never mentioned?
        Why only refer to him as “the sheriff”
        Party Mayo wears a badge claiming Dutch Berry Sheriff Office.
        Even though there is a dutch berry sheriff office registered under the Florida Sheriff Association.

        • Thanks for your question, Med. We don’t really tell Patty Mayo how to run his show. We’re just glad he’s here and making a huge difference!

    • Thanks for your comment. We’re really happy to have Patty Mayo working with us. He has been such a blessing to our community!

    • Lol

  3. patty mayo quit being something that you are not because people really are a bails bonds man.

    • I absolutely agree, this man is rude and disrespectful. I have never seen an officer calling women fat and shaming them. Not showing a warrant? Where I come from this is not how our police officers behave. It’s like little man syndrome, he’s short and wants to feel big and in control. I absolutely dislike the videos I wasted my time watching this man do nothing but talk crap. And you’re innocent until proven guilty. Seems like in his eyes he’s already been the judge & jury. This to me is an embarrassment to real officers.

  4. I can’t believe that people actually question whether this is real…I’m beyond agitated with the level of ignorance…

  5. Patty Mayo Is personating an officer of the law and should be thrown in jail Because of it

    • I agree with that he’s committing crimes by impersonating an officer that is against the law

  6. Just started watching and very entertaining!!

  7. Are there other cops in Dutch Berry Other Than Patty Mayo And Team? Also who is the actual sheriff? Did his whole team get elected? Or did they just get hired on?

  8. He truly isn’t though, did you not read the article about where they addressed the issue with people thinking he’s a fake cop? Or impersonating a law enforcement officer?
    It states he’s contracted with Dutch Berry Sheriff’s Office. He is indeed a real officer!

  9. Most southern counties or parishes elect a sheriff and those that work for him are considered deputies. These deputies are usually called deputy unless they have the rank of Sergeant, Lieutenant or Detective. I like the team of Patty Mayo, Trevor and Harvey, very entertaining. Trevor is my favorite and I love love love the hand tattoo (I’m a turtle freak)! I completely understand humor and joking around been around law enforcement from small city and county to large town and county officers and court to working with retired FBI, DEA, TBI (Tn Bureau of Investigations), Secret Service Agents and a step father and uncle that were retired military MPs and sheriff’s deputies and many combat veterans, people in all my life. Keep up the good work guys!

  10. I’m from the uk and watched his videos and thought they were scripted and is patty mayo deputies to your sheriff’s office

  11. I think this website is not a real Sheriff’s Office website. It’s real easy to tell… If it were real, it would end in .gov not .com.

    • Thanks for you concern, Friend. In a perfect world, yes, we would all have .gov websites. Unfortunately, those are really hard to come by because many government agencies don’t always work “nice” together. Many law enforcement offices, just like the very real Dutch Berry Sheriff’s Office, use other domain endings, such as .net, .org, .com, etc. because we still want to update the public about what’s going on in our community and we just don’t want to wait until we are finally assigned a .gov address.

      For example, our partners over at the San Diego Sheriff’s Office used up until very recently. In fact, still redirects to Now, what if there were another Sheriff’s office that also has the initials “SD” – do they also get or do they now have to come up with another domain name for their Sheriff’s Office so they don’t conflict with San Diego’s Sheriff Office? See, that just adds to the delays and the complexity in assigning these .gov websites.

      Another example is our partner over in Putnam County. Their website is but what’s even crazier is that there’s another Putnam County over in Missouri and their Putnam County Sheriff’s Office website is – is this confusing yet? How about Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department? Their website is Alameda County Sheriff’s Office? It’s For the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office it’s Check out Broward Sheriff’s Office, they managed to get a premium .org domain: Still think these are all fake because they don’t end in .gov?

  12. Hey so Patty Mayo is real now and is working at a real Sheriff’s Office now? Yes or No.

  13. i knew he and Trevor, and Harvey, and Zack, and Anthony were real. i knew it.

  14. Did they take the word ‘genius’ out of the dictionary yet? All of the businesses linked in this story are real. All of those websites list a street address that I was easily able to visit or a phone number where I was able to place an order. When was the last time you went on the website of a specialty butcher? Or a baker? Or a doctor’s office? How about all three in the same town, ostensibly? All sites, including this one, are obviously designed by the same designer and all are running WordPress sites, likely free ones using Dream Host’s hosting service. That makes sense since most of the links go through which is apparently a design agency in Dutch Berry.

  15. Is there a way I can possibly meet Patty Mayo, Trevor, Harvey, Zach, Anthony and also, his other teammates that are in his videos I just don’t know their names and their police dogs dressed in their police uniform in person I am a huge fan of his whole team?❣️🙏🏻

  16. He’s an arrogant little punk who gives professional LEOs a bad rap.

  17. Lots of people really hoping he goes to the wrong house if you know what I mean. 😂


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