After the wildfires in California came the rain. Since it's always sunny in Southern California driving in the rain can be a bit unexpected for many drivers. Here are Safe Driving Tips for Rainy Weather. 1. Slow Down: Rain significantly reduces the traction between...

Dutch Berry Sheriff’s Office
Willem De Slager
Did you know that Willem de Slager is the son of the Dutch Berry Butcher, Johannes De Slager, who has been running the Dutch Berry Butcher Shop ever since he inherited it from his father, Jeroen, in 1977? Some of you may still remember Jeroen, and you may also remember when Willem first started working in the Butcher Shop when he was still a little boy. Now, while Willem is out fighting crime for the Dutch Berry Sheriff’s Office (DBSO), Thomas, Willem’s younger brother, gets a chance to walk in Willem shoes working in the Butcher Shop in a more public role. Be sure to tell both of them how proud you are of them!
Latest News
The Leadership Dutch Berry Needs
A Vision For The Future
You’ve all probably all seen a new crew running around at the park. As you remember from the last town hall, we voted to invite Patty Mayo from YouTube as a test run to help us with some of the suspicious activity in the park. Last month, I deputized Corporal Mayo and his crew to patrol the park during the night. Please be sure to thank them for their service next time you see them out there!
Actionable Issues
Please remember to keep your pets on the leash. Yes, even your pet turtle (looking at you, Arabella and Marit!).
Posted Speed Limits
Please remember that the speed limit on Main Street and in the park are 15 MPH as posted. Corporal Mayo will be enforcing speed limits in the park too.
We are technologically advanced
Just because we’re a small community tucked away from the rest of the country does not mean we (only) use old technology from the last century. Please be aware that the Dutch Berry Sheriff’s Office has installed cameras and other gadget in public areas and we know what you’re up to (looking at you, Dennis).
Dutch Berry Donuts
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dutch Berry Bakery for always making sure we’re well stocked with fresh donuts here at the office. Just to be clear, we don’t like donuts because we’re “cops,” we love the donuts because Lara Halbach makes them, putting in all her love and creativity!
Drinking Responsibly
We all remember what happened last time the Dutch Berry Brewery came up with that amazing draft beer and many of us just couldn’t stop drinking it. Well, a little birdie told me that Aart Neikirk is already tinkering with a new recipe.
Contribute to a Cause
Remember when we voted on pooling our resources to help pay for bringing in Patty Mayo’s crew vs. them helping for free in exchange for being allowed to film their show in Dutch Berry? I know some of you have complained about all the cussing and I have spoken with them and they agree to town it down a little. Just remember, the park closes at 9pm and Patty Mayo’s crew doesn’t start patrol until 9pm, so you shouldn’t be in the park after closing anyway.